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Jon Black

Jon Black is an MC with witty lyrics, a wide range of sonically-astounding rhyme patterns, and a passion for creating music that will be enjoyed by mainstream Rap fans and Hip-Hop purists alike. JOn Black became versed in music from listening to his mother’s oldies tapes, featuring artists like The Stylistics, The Delphonics and many more. As a child he transferred between Sacramento Ca, and San Diego Ca, which led to his exposure to many different styles of music. At 16 he returned to San Diego, more specifically the gang-infested streets of “Southeast Daygo.” Growing up in “The Southeast” exposed him to a much grittier side of life than he had previously known and the lessons it has taught him can be heard throughout his music. Jon Black’s music is timeless and truthful. Though there are many ways to divide people in this world there is still a certain bond that connects us as humans regardless of race or class and he brings that out in his music. Jon Black’s music reflects his appreciation for life and love as well as adversity and negativity, each being a tool we can use to better ourselves. Jon Black’s music is a reflection of the life he is trying to make better and the world he wants to change.